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Wolf Krakowski
Goyrl: Destiny

Order #: 01222
"Goyrl:Destiny" is one of the most unusual and welcome recordings to come along in a long time. This is how Yiddish/American folk music might have evolved had Yiddish music come to America 300 years ago. Krakowski performs traditional and lesser known Yididsh songs in styles varying from blues, soft country, folk-rock and much more. That he was influencd by such artist ranging from Benzion Witler to Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen is evident, yet he maintain his own style..that of a true folk songer. One of the selections, 'Hundert'(One Hundred) consists entirely of numbers, counting down form 100, 99, 98, etc. The interpertation is very moving, but when you read in the accompanyin booklet that it is attributed to "Anonymous Mielec - Poland, concetrationcamp inmate" it now becomes a very stirring and even haunting song...yet, just numbers... Musically, there are so many wonderful things going on--some great mandolin, steel drums and saxophone work-- that you will have to listen to this CD over and over to appreciate everything it has to offer. Produced by Frank London, Krakowski is backed by such renown artist as: The Lonesome Brothers, Seth Austen, Charles Neville (of the Neville Brothers Band), amongst others.The accompanying booklet contains translations of all the songs and a glossary of Yiddish terms as well as biographical information on the composers which include, Emil Gorovets, Nurit Hirsh, Abraham Levin, Itzik Manger, Sholom Secunda and many more.
1.   Tate - Mame
2.   Dona Dona
3.   Kh'vel Shoyn Mer Nisht Ganvenen
4.   Mit Farmakhte Oygn
5.   A Shod Dayne Trern
6.   Tsum Sof Verst Du Zayn Mayn
7.   Tife Griber Royuer Laym
8.   Hundert
9.   Lomit Trakhtn Nor Fun Haynt
10.   Gib Zhe Khaver A Roykher Ton
11.   Zingarella

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