- Artist:
- Ari Priven, Marcelo Bronstein, rolando Matalon, Felicia sol, Lizzie Kraiem and Choir
- Title:
- BJ Tekiyah : Echoes of The High holy Days At BJ (Congrgation B'nai Jeshurun)
- Category:
- Cantorial - High Hol
Order #:
A unique recording featuring Catoru Ari Priven, and Rabbis Marcelo Bronstein, Rolando Matalon, and Felicia Sol. Also featured is Lizzie Draiemand the B'nai Jeshurun Choir.Also available form Hatikvah Music: *With Every Breath - The Music of Shabbat at BJ (B'nai Jeshurun)*
Tracks: |
1. High Holy Days Melody
2. Zokhrenu Lechayim
3. Kol Haneshama
4. Hayom
5. Ya'ale
6. Ki Anu Amecha
7. Adon Haselichot
8. Zochrenu Lechayim
9. Impressions of Untane Tokef
10. B'Sefer Chayim
11. Adir Vena'or
12. El Nora Alila
13. Petach Lanu Sha'ar
14. Avinu Malkeinu