- Artist:
- Richard Tucker
- Title:
- Welcoming The Sabbath
- Category:
- Cantorial-Shabbat
Order #:
"Composed and arranged by the great Shalom Secunda,this long out of print recording has been remastered and available for the first time on CD. Also included on this recording are 4 additional Cantorial pieces and the Israeli anthem, HATIKVAH". This isichard Tucker in his prime.
Tracks: |
1. Lechu Neranenoh
2. L'Cho Dodi
3. Borchu
4. Ahavas Olom
5. Mi Chomocho |
6. Hashkiveinu |
7. V'Shomru |
8. Eloheinu |
9. Kiddush L'Shabbos |
10. Yigdal |
11. Shabbat Shalom |
12. Passover Kiddush |
13. Tzadik Adoshem |
14. Blessing For The Month: Yehi Rotzon |
15. Evening Prayer: Yir'U Eineinu |
16. Hatikvah |