- Artist:
- Rudy Tepel and His Orchestra
- Title:
- Chadissic Wedding:Dance Melodies of Vizhnitz, Lubavitch, Modzitz, Satmar, Skulen and Mea Shearim
- Category:
- Cantorial
Order #:
"Chassidic Wedding" features a selection of 21 wedding melodies from the various Chassidic communities.The booklet includes detailed information on the ceremony and includes information on everything from a description of the klezmorim to the shaving ofthe brides hair. This is a perfect companion to Rudy Tepler's "Lubavitch Wedding" Cd.
Tracks: |
1. Kabbolas Ponim-Choson: a.Vizhnitz Rikud, b.Vaharikosi Lokhem B'rokho,c.Lubavitch Rikud,d. Ki Mitsion
2. Kabbolas Poni-Kalo: Waltz Ben Zion
3. Badekns: a. Boruch elokenu, b. Midzitzer Rikud I, c. Modzitzer Rikud II
4. The Chppo: a. Voloch, b. Wedding March: V'Yiten L'Cho
5. Recessional: a.Vay'Hi Bishurun Melech, b.Yismechu Hashomayim, c. Jerusalem Rikud I
6. Mitzvo Dances: a. Asher Boro, b. Jerusalem rikud II,c. Ketsad Merakdin, d. Ki V'Simcho