- Artist:
- Rudy Tepel and His Orchestra
- Title:
- Lubavitch Wedding
- Category:
- Chassidic
Order #:
Rudy Tepel was born on New York's East Side and brought up in a traditional Jewish atmosphere where he estimates that he has played at over 6,000 weddings.Proficient at clarinet, saxophone, and flute, he has a repertory of over six hundred Chassidic melodies of various dynasties. This compact disc features 17 of the nigunim particularly favored by the Lubavitcher Chassidim at wedding celebrattions, and is a perfect companion piece to his "Chassidic Wedding" Cd.
Tracks: |
1. Kabbolas Poni-Choson: a. Nigun Rikud, b.Dark'cho Elokeynu, c. Mimitsrayim G'altonu
2. Kabbolas Nonim-Kallo: a.Nigun Simcha I, b. Nigun simcha II, c. Nigun simchaIII
3. Badekns: Napoleon's March
4. Chuppah: The Rav's Nigun
5. Recessional: a. Vay'Hi bishurun Meleck, b. Nigun Rikud
6. Mitsvo Dances: a. Nigun Simcha IV, b. Al Hasela Hoch
7. Wedding dinner: Chassidic Waltz
8. Closing Dances: a. Hop Kozak, b.Nigun Rikud III, c. Ki V'Simcha, d. Uforatsto