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How do I find recordings by a particular artist or group?

Type any part of the artist's or group's first or last name into the Find music: box located at the bottom of any page. Keep in mind that names may be spelled differently than you expect. You may need to try several different variations.

Example: Yisroel Shumacher could potentially be listed under:

So if you don't find what you're looking for right away, try other spellings. If you give up, e-mail us for help (KlezCorner@aol.com).
I know the title I am looking for; how do I find it?

Type any part of the title into the Find music: box located at the bottom of any page. Searches are case-insensitive. Phrases must be entered in the order they appear in the title (see example). Keep in mind that Yiddish or Hebrew words may be spelled in English differently than you expect.

Example: If you are looking for "Fiddler on the Roof", any of these searches will work:

    fiddler on the roof
    fiddler on
However, this will not work:
    fiddler roof

How do I place an order?

We are just now adding a shopping cart to our web site! With the shopping cart you'll be able to collect the items you want as you browse. If you notice, there aren't any prices in our catalog yet, so when you submit your order be sure to include your contact information. We will get back to you with prices and arrange the payment and shipping details with you personally.

Alternately, you may call us directly at (323) 655-7083 or e-mail us at KlezCorner@aol.com.

Why doesn't my shopping cart work?

The shopping cart software uses JavaScript and cookies. Make sure that both these features are enabled in your browser. To do that in Netscape:
  1. Choose Edit > Preferences...
  2. Click on category "Advanced"
  3. Check the boxes called "Enable JavaScript" and "Accept all cookies"

Of course, it goes without saying that you need to be using a browser which supports JavaScript and cookies...

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Hatikvah Music International / P.O. Box 48739 / Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: (323) 655-7083 / E-mail: KlezCorner@aol.com

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